From the recording Sharing Christ

The Perfect Lover is a testimony of joy because God brought me out of "devaluing myself" due to emotional abuse...spiritual abuse actually...and yes there is such a thing. (For those who know me, not with my husband Leonard) Often we let others determine our value, but the value of anything is determined by the price someone is willing to pay for it, right? And your value, then, is equal to that of Jesus the Son of God, for God was willing to pay for you with his son's blood. That's a pretty high value He's placed upon you, I'd say... and it's because of His love for you. This worth and value applies to each and every individual. I'm praying that this song will help others to see they are loved and valued. Put that smile back on your face! Rise up and be loosed from shame! Don't let another "person" determine your worthiness or worth. God really really loves You! :)


I Have Value
Not for Who I Am
But because of the ONE
Who loves Me
I’m the object of a love
That comes not “from man”
My perfect lover is the Lord Almighty
The perfect lover is the Lord Almighty

He doesn’t “use” me
Nor does he “abuse” me
He doesn’t need me to “complete” him.
His great love for me is unconditional
I do not need to be ashamed at my nakedness

I Have Value
Not for Who I Am
But because of the ONE
Who loves Me
I’m the object of a love
That comes not “from man”
My perfect lover is the Lord Almighty
The perfect lover is the Lord Almighty

I feel so SAFE
He has given WORTH to my person
He DELIGHTS in me, as I delight in Him
And our relationship is one of “intimacy”

And I Have Value
Not for Who I Am
But because of the ONE
Who loves Me
I’m the object of a love
That comes not “from man”
My perfect lover is the Lord Almighty
The perfect lover is the Lord Almighty

My lover is gracious
And compassionate
Slow to get angry
For He’s patient
His heart’s to be “my strength”
When my weaknesses show
I can be Who I Am in His Presence

And I Have Value
Not for Who I Am
But because of the ONE
Who loves Me
I’m the object of a love
That comes not “from man”
My perfect lover is the Lord Almighty
The perfect lover is the Lord Almighty

Because He loves me
His love begins to change me.
I’m becoming such a better person
For I’m free IN His love
There’s no fear to “give out”
Joy and Peace exudes from my Very Being.

And I Have Value
Not for Who I Am
But because of the ONE
Who loves Me
I’m the object of a love
That comes not “from man”
My perfect lover is the Lord Almighty
The perfect lover is the Lord Almighty

My perfect lover is the Lord Almighty
The perfect lover
Is the Lord
God Almighty