911 Never Forget

Elizabeth Ann Smith

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This is healing music for those affected by any tragedy...but this song was specifically given to me by the Lord and recorded right before Sept 11. As you listen you will hear the sounds of the towers echoing in their fall, and the grieving heart of God in His lifting of His protections over us. 911 was a day we will Never Forget and that indeed

This is healing music for those affected by any tragedy...but this song was specifically given to me by the Lord and recorded right before Sept 11. As you listen you will hear the sounds of the towers echoing in their fall, and the grieving heart of God in His lifting of His protections over us. 911 was a day we will Never Forget and that indeed changed the course of our US History. Will our nation return unto the Lord? I pray so. I can't help but intercede for our nation and lives still affected by this day's events as I listen to the song. I indeed hear and feel the emotions of God.

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